Friday, July 16, 2010

Should I just ignore gay people, friends, and not stand up for them?

So yesterday I had two particularly negative people tell me I shouldn't be on gay sites if I'm straight. I respond I'm on there to give people someone to talk to when they feel they have no one to talk to and to stand up for those who get attacked by the more negative gay folks.

So if they're right, if I were to see a gay dude struggling in life our getting attacked, I should just ignore it and go on with my life. In other words if a gay teen were suicidal and depressed, I should just say, sorry kid, can't help you, leave me alone. Or maybe if I see someone getting attacked for being different I'm just supposed to ignore it and let them get attacked... And yet these are the same folks crying about generalized homophobia because people don't stand up for gays in general society.

So, should I do the right thing and stick to my principles or let the more negative and hateful gays win over those they attack because it's not approved of to stand up for those they attack?

Of course that's a rhetorical question, how am I going to let a couple of negative assholes dictate to me who I should or should not associate with or stand up for? If they don't see their own hypocrisy and hateful negativity, that's not my issue. I can only offer support to those who seek it.

When people get that negative, they are a lost cause unless they seek to change themselves. I know this from personal experience.

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