MYTH: The APA/Scientists Say that Homosexuality is Genetic
FACT: From the APA Pamphlet "Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality"
What causes a person to have a particular sexual orientation?
There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.
Now, let's consider that once upon a time, the APA considered homosexuality a disease, correct? And it was Dr. Robert L. Spitzer who convinced the APA to change that view, and now (in 2005) has changed his view again, and believes that sexual orientation is changeable. This DOES NOT mean that homosexuality is a disease, merely that for SOME homosexuals, they do not accept it in themselves and it is counter their ideals and beliefs. So while the APA was, ostensibly, wrong before, they are apparently 100% right now? Perhaps the truth lies elsewhere, and were further research allowed into the subject by the National Institute of Health, perhaps we would find that 1. Sexual Orientation is changeable for those who desire to change it and 2. That Gay Affirmative Therapy isn't the best approach for those who seek to get away from the negative stigma that homosexuality has placed on them, often from the gay community itself.
One needs only to look at my blog, links I've included to gay website and what they say about myself and those like me seeking to grow beyond their "community". Homosexuality is, according to the gay left, welcoming, affirming, tolerant, and accepting. However, the caveat is, only if you successfully assimilate to the gay norms. For those who seek to be true to themselves who are more conservative, Christian, not into the "gay scene" or otherwise don't fit into the gay community as it has defined itself, then you are social pariahs and worthy of derision, ostracism, and general vile hatred rising to the same level that gays complain the most vehement religious fundamentalists throw at them.
I welcome anyone from the Gay Community to stand up against the most negative of your crew, I welcome anyone from the Gay Community to demonstrate that I am wrong and that the Gay Community is actually welcoming and accepting of people, no matter their ideology or preferences. So far, I have failed to see this, and the more negativity that is directed toward me and those like me seeking to distance ourselves from the gay community, the more our position is affirmed. In other words, attacking those who don't fit in to your stereotypes and norms won't make those people any happier or accepting of your group and what you represent.
As I've said before, the basic approach I've gotten from my gay critics is "You're gay dammit, come and be gay and miserable with us and let us continue to harass you because you aren't like us!" Fact is, the gays need a punching bag because they have been harassed for so long as a community. I understand the human nature behind that, it makes them feel good to have someone they can kick around, be it gay Republicans, gay Christians, or masculine gay men who don't participate in the "scene". But these gays apparently fail to see that they are perpetuating the same exact harassment that they've endured for roughly half a century from modern day society. Again, the hypocrisy is appalling, and something I couldn't stomach any longer.
Perhaps one day the gay community will wake up and say "Man, ya know, we've been total dicks to the gay Republicans/Christians/Non-scene guys. Why are we such nasty bitches? We should be more accepting and tolerant just like we want society to accept and tolerate us!"
I don't expect that to ever happen, because playing the perpetual victim while simultaneously making more victims out of those who don't conform is an easier approach. Gays don't so much fight back against discrimination so much as bitch out and drown out any valid debate. Anything even remotely questioning their approach, norms, or positions is automatically "homophobic". When you have reached the level where free speech isn't allowed and all debate has ceased, you have become your own enemy.