Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hypnosis - A New Approach

So after doing a bit of research on the subject, I'm of the strong opinion that for someone in my situation, hypnosis would be an effective way to treat my underlying root causes of my feelings of inadequacy and my need to seek out in other men what I feel I lack. In other words, hypnosis will help me build the confidence in myself that I need to move beyond my homosexual attraction and get me to the point where I feel confident in myself that I not only no longer need other men to validate myself, but I become self sufficient esteem wise that I need no one's validation, consciously or subconsciously. At that point, I can feel comfortable approaching women without that fear of rejection and the expectation that they are as superficial as gay men (from what my straight and bi friends tell me, they aren't, so that's an irrational fear on my part that can be addressed by the hypnosis).

Here are a few sources I found on this subject. Yes I realize they are mostly older sources, however, should we discount old research that could potentially remain valid? Did the earth stop revolving around the sun or the world cease being round? Just because it is no longer politically correct to research this subject and the psychological establishment has been made to cower in the face of the militant GLBT activists who seek to quash any further research into the understanding of homosexuality if it doesn't suit their needs (ie, the only valid research into the origins and causes of homosexuality is purely genetic and any research into potentially alleviating homosexual attraction for those not comfortable with that lifestyle is completely taboo).

The first source is from the Canadian Medical Association Journal and it's a study specifically on the effects of hypnotherapy on homosexuality. The next source is a conglomeration of research on this subject by a PhD in Psychology entitled "Is Gay to Straight Possible", and the most recent date cited looks to be 2006, so a little more recent.

Now, all that said, I would like to remind my readers once again that this blog is for those men who DO NOT want to be gay, do not fit in to the gay lifestyle and seek a change to where they are more comfortable with themselves and their futures away from homosexual attractions and the feelings of hopelessness that come with not easily fitting in with gay norms and expectations. For those who are more easily able to adapt to and become a part of the gay community, live the gay lifestyle, and are entirely happy doing so, this blog, nor this therapy approach, is not for you. As with any subject being addressed in hypnosis, a clinical hypnotist cannot make the subject of hypnosis do anything his or her conscious mind refuses. A hypnotist can't make a straight man gay anymore than he or she can make a gay man straight if neither wishes to be that way.

BUT, as they say, where there is a will, there is a way. If the subject truly wishes to change some aspect of themselves (and for myself I am seeing a hypnotherapist to address my lack of self confidence, which will allow all the other issues to fall like dominoes as a result), then that change is possible. If a hypnotherapist attempted to change a perfectly happy gay man into a straight one, it wouldn't work, and the clinical research bears this out.

So tomorrow is my first hypnosis session, she said that I will likely feel a lot better and more confident even after the first session. So we shall see what takes place and the outcome, but I am optimistic of some good results!